
Bronwen Connolly is a critical care physiotherapist, and Senior Lecturer in Critical Care at Queen’s University Belfast. She is the Chief Investigator of the NIHR HTA-funded MARCH trial, investigating the effectiveness of mucoactive drugs in acute respiratory failure, and leads the development of a core outcome set for trials of physical rehabilitation in critical illness. Bronwen is the recipient of three previous NIHR Fellowships, and her research interests focus on acute respiratory and rehabilitation physiotherapy, the recovery, long-term outcome, and survivorship of post-critical illness patients, and clinical trial methodology around complex rehabilitation interventions. Bronwen sits on the NIHR Critical Care Specialty Group and the UK Critical Care Research Group.

Danny McAuley is a Consultant and Professor in Intensive Care Medicine at the Regional Intensive Care Unit at the Royal Victoria Hospital and Queen’s University of Belfast. He undertook his training in Belfast, Birmingham, London and San Francisco. He is Programme Director for the MRC/NIHR Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME) programme. He has several research interests including Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome and clinical trials.

Dr Joanne McPeake is an Honorary Nurse Consultant in Clinical Research and Innovation in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, and a The Healthcare Improvement Studies (THIS) Institute (University of Cambridge) research fellow. Her research interests include long term outcomes following critical illness, with a specific focus on socio-economic reintegration following hospital discharge. Her work draws on multiple methodological tools including mixed methods research and implementation science. Joanne is Chief Investigator for the Intensive Care Syndrome: Promoting Independence and Return to Employment (InS:PIRE) project in Scotland.

Rachael is a Consultant Respiratory Physiotherapist with interests including complex ventilation, airway clearance techniques and advanced care planning for people with long term conditions. She also works as a National Clinical Advisor for Respiratory with the Personalised Care Team at NHS England and is Head of Clinical Leadership Development part of the NHS Leadership Academy NHS England. She is passionate about empowerment of patients, professionals and peers and raising awareness regarding equity, diversity and inclusion and making sure voice is heard as well as being committed to showcasing the huge value of multi-professional working. She has experience working in the military, educational, charity and third sector. Rachael is proud to be the first non-medic British Thoracic Society President (2021-2022) and fortunate to sit on several national organisations as well as being an Associate Editor for BMJ Leader. Some of her biggest professional achievements are being awarded an OBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours in 2021, an Honorary Clinical Doctorate in 2022 and being runner up in the HSJ Clinical Leader of the Year awards. In her spare time Rachael is a humanitarian aid worker and currently supports Medical Aid for Palestinians.

Rik GOSSELINK (1955) obtained his bachelor degree in Physiotherapy (1979) in Rotterdam (NL) and his PhD degree (1993) in Human Movement Sciences in Amsterdam. He was appointed as full professor in Rehabilitation Sciences in 1992 at the University of Leuven and obtained a clinical position at the University Hospitals Leuven in Belgium. Since 2021 he is emeritus professor in the department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy KU Leuven. In 2021, he was appointed as professor extraordinary at the Division of Physiotherapy, Department of Health and Rehabilitation sciences, Stellenbosch University, SA. He is fellow of the European Respiratory Society and served the society as Secretary and Head of the Assembly ‘Allied Respiratory Professionals’ from 1998-2006 and as associate editor of the European Respirartry Journal from 1998-2002. In 2012, the European Respiratory Society awarded him a ‘life time achievement award’. His area of research, clinical practice and academic education is exercise physiology, physiotherapy and rehabilitation in patients with acute critical illness and in patients with chronic pulmonary disease. The focus of his research is on the assessment of limb and respiratory muscle function and on the effectiveness of various training methods for respiratory and limb muscles in these populations. He published over 250 papers in peer reviewed national and international journals, over 50 book chapters and 3 books (H-index: 63).

Professor Bronagh Blackwood (PhD, RGN) has a Chair in Critical Care at the Wellcome-Wolfson Institute for Experimental Medicine, Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland (NI). Her clinical research focuses on interventions to improve care for patients receiving mechanical ventilation. She has conducted clinical trials of sedation and ventilator weaning; evaluated processes in delivering complex interventions; developed core outcome sets for clinical trials of ventilation, delirium and COVID-19; and delivered many critical care-related systematic reviews addressing ventilation weaning protocols, delirium, dysphagia, patient deterioration, and physical rehabilitation. She is a Content Editor for the Cochrane Emergency and Critical Care Group, an Associate Editor for Thorax and the Northern Ireland lead for Evidence Synthesis Ireland.

Sabrina Eggmann qualified as a physiotherapist in Bern, Switzerland in 2005. She started working in the Department of Physiotherapy at the Inselspital Bern University Hospital in January 2006 with the main focus on rehabilitation in the acute setting as well as early mobilisation in the intensive care unit. In 2014, she graduated with a Master of Science degree in Neurorehabilitation at the Danube University Krems, Austria and Sabrina Eggmann was appointed physiotherapy expert in the Department of Physiotherapy and has since conducted her own research as well as quality improvement projects. From 2016 to 2018, she was enrolled on the interprofessional, e-Learning programme at Cardiff University in Wales, where she received a Postgraduate Diploma in Critical Care. She completed her PhD in 2022 at Maastricht University in the Netherlands investigating early training in the intensive care unit. Sabrina Eggmann is also a guest lecturer at Bern University of Applied Sciences, where she teaches two postgraduate courses for physiotherapists in critical care.

Professor Hart was appointed as Deputy Medical Director of the Heart, Lung and Critical Care Clinical Group at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals in May 2022. This follows his role as Clinical Director of Sleep, Respiratory and Critical Care from February 2020 in which he directed the critical care response to the COVID-19 pandemic with over 1300 patients admitted to the critical care and a survival of 76%, including the previous Prime Minister. From 2012 to 2020, he was Head of the Lane Fox Respiratory Service, which is an internationally recognised clinical-academic weaning, rehabilitation and home mechanical ventilation service, which currently houses the largest weaning and rehabilitation unit in the UK and supports over 2700 patients with chronic respiratory failure. From 2015 to 2022, he was Joint Editor-in-Chief of Thorax with the impact factor increasing to above 10. In 2021, he awarded Fellowship of the European Respiratory Society and in 2022 he was awarded the British Thoracic Society Meritorious Service Award. Professor Hart is R&D Director of Delivery at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital and he established the Lane Fox Clinical Respiratory Physiology Research Centre in 2007 with his own research group focused on reducing hospital admission in COPD and enhancing outcome in chronic respiratory failure and sleep disordered breathing. He has an H-index of 57 and he is currently Co-Lead of the King’s Health Partners Respiratory & Allergy Clinical-Academic Group.

Richard Bourne is a Consultant Pharmacist in Critical Care at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals and an Honorary Senior Clinical lecturer in Pharmacy at The University of Manchester. He is currently on a HEE/NIHR Clinical Lectureship where he is undertaking research to identify and develop an intervention to improve medication safety for intensive care patients transferring to a hospital ward. Richard is the consultant pharmacist on the NIHR Critical Care National Specialty Group. His research interests include medicines optimisation (safety and quality of medicines use) in the critically ill patient, and the prevention and management of sleep disturbances and delirium in critical care patients. Richard’s PhD was completed at The University of Sheffield where he investigated melatonin, sleep and circadian rhythms in critical care patients.

Peter Nydahl is a state registered nurse who has progressed to teaching, instructing and mentoring nurses at the University Hospital of Schleswig-Holstein. He has written 65 international peer reviewed publications, 145 professional publications, edited 5 books and written 21 book chapters. He is a member of over a dozen international societies, has mentored 15 students and won several prizes and grants. At present he is a member of the Didactics of Nursing and Health Professions Working Group at the Institute for General Medicine.

Brenda is actively involved in teaching and research relating to the health and rehabilitation of people with Respiratory conditions and people after Critical Illness. Research is completed in collaboration with local hospitals, national and international colleagues. She has successfully supervised PhD and MSc students, contributes to several editorial activities and has published widely.

Peter E. Spronk is Staff Physician and Head of the expertise centre for longterm outcomes in the critically ill of the ICU department at the University affiliated Gelre Hospitals in Apeldoorn, The Netherlands. He is also a Research Associate at the department of ICU at the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Dr Spronk finished training in general internal medicine at the Free University of Amsterdam in 1999 and subsequent training in intensive care medicine (EDIC program) in 2001. He has actively participated in all of Dale Needham’s early mobility symposia at ATS since 2006, and has been a member of the Board of European Conference of Weaning and Rehabilitation since 2015. Dr Spronk’s research is focussed on the longterm outcome trajectories of ICU patients and potentially modifiable behavioural issues during ICU stay like pain, agitation, delirium, early mobility, sound, sleep, cognitive stimulation, and end-of-life care and has extensively published on these subjects. His hospital was one of the first to organize a formal follow-up ICU outclinic in The Netherlands. Currently, Dr Spronk is working on several studies on outcomes in longstay ICU patients, in particular the engagement of patients in their trajectories to recovery. Dr Spronk has always worked together with several professional societies like ATS, SCCM, ANZICS, and ESICM to improve the active participation of international members by sharing information and building bridges.

Kate is a Specialist Sister in ICU in Plymouth. Her role is to support patients, loved ones and staff pre and post ICU discharge. She is a nurse researcher in rehabilitation after critical illness and the founder of the #Rehablegend campaign. The campaign shares patient stories to share best practice, improve patient experience, support quality improvement and clinical research and raise awareness of the importance of rehabilitation for all. Her work was recognised with a Parliamentary Award for care and compassion in 2019, National Patient Experience Award in 2019 and recently with an award for patient experience by the Intensive Care society. Her work during 2020/2021 supporting patients with COVID saw her awarded with a British Empire Medal for services to improve patient experience. She has recently been appointed to the National Rehabilitation Collaborative as a Deputy chair and is keen to develop national work to support recovery after ICU.

Dr Johnny Stewart is a GP and Doctoral Research Fellow from Queen's University Belfast. During his PhD he aims to develop and test the feasibility of an intervention to support patients as they transition home following a critical illness. He is particularly interested in the impact of comorbidities and multimorbidity on patient recovery

Dr. Megan Hosey is a clinical psychologist and an assistant professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, and the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Her clinical practice is in the Medical Intensive Care Unit at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. She is the recipient of a Parker B. Francis Fellowship and an NIH/NHILBI K23 award. Her research is focused on interventions that support the mental health and well-being of critically ill patients and their families.