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Here we publish short analyses and parliamentary evidence submissions produced as part of the project.

Phinnemore, D. 'Implementing the Protocol and Windsor Framework', in Davies, C. and Kassim, H. (eds) UK-EU: What Next, July 2024 

Whitten, L. C. 'A veterinary agreement on sanitary and phytosanitary goods', in Davies, C. and Kassim, H. (eds) UK-EU: What Next, July 2024 

Phinnemore, D. 'The Protocol/Windsor Framework: Getting Stormont Heard', DCU Brexit Institute Blog, 16 April 2024

Phinnemore, D. 'The Windsor Framework: Stormont being heard… and what next?', UK in a Changing Europe, 25 March 2024

Whitten, L.C. 'UK-EU Divergence - Oral Evidence' provided to the Northern Ireland Assembly Democratic Scrutiny Committee, 29 February 2024

Hayward, K. 'Why did the Windsor Framework fail to restore government in Northern Ireland?', Encompass, November 2023

Whitten, L.C. 'Regulatory Divergence and the Windsor Framework - Oral Evidence' provided to the House of Lords European Affairs Sub-Committee on the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland, 15 November 2023

Phinnemore, D. and Whitten, L.C. 'Explainer: Implementing the Windsor Framework', UK in a Changing Europe, 3 October 2023

Hayward, K. A Brief NI Guide to Brexit, the Protocol and the Windsor Framework, Queen's University Belfast, August

Phinnemore, D. and Whitten, L.C. 'The Windsor Framework: How Green is the ‘Green Lane’?', Belfast News Letter, 11 August 2023 (also available via QPOL)

Whitten, L.C. 'Northern Ireland and its (other) constitutional issues', The Constitution Society, 1 August

Phinnemore, D. 'Where Northern Ireland Voters Generally Agree: Stakeholder Engagement on the Protocol/Windsor Framework', UK in a Changing Europe, 26 July 2023

Hayward, K. 'Will the Windsor Framework work?', Fortnight, July 2023

Phinnemore, D., Hayward, K. and Whitten, L.C. 'The Windsor Framework - Written Evidence', submitted to the House of Lords European Affairs Sub-Committee on the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland, 2 May 2023

Gravey, V., Melo Araujo, B. and Whitten, L.C. 'Windsor Framework Inquiry - Written Evidence', submitted to the House of Lords European Affairs Sub-Committee on the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland, May 2023

Hayward, K. 'The draft Windsor Framework Democratic Scrutiny Regulations 2023. An initial analysis', submitted to the House of Lords European Affairs Sub-Committee on the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland, 21 March 2023

Hayward, K. and Phinnemore, D. 'How will a UK-EU deal land in Northern Ireland?', UK in a Changing Europe, 24 February 2023 

Whitten, L. C. 'On orthodoxy and unanswered questions: the Allister ruling and why it matters', The Constitution Society, 21 February 2023 

Hayward. K. and Phinnemore, D. 'Future Proofing a UK-EU deal for Northern Ireland begins here and now', UK in a Changing Europe, 26 January 2023 (also available via QPOL)

Phinnemore, D., Hayward, K. and Whitten, L.C. 'The Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland - Written Evidence', submitted to the House of Lords European Affairs Sub-Committee on the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland, 10 November 2022

Hayward, K. 'Opening Statement', Joint Committee on European Union Affairs - Evidence Session on EU-UK Relations as well as the Implementation of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement and the Northern Ireland Protocol, Houses of the Oireachtas, Dublin, 9 November 2022

Phinnemore, D. 'Opening Statement', Joint Committee on European Union Affairs - Evidence Session on EU-UK Relations as well as the Implementation of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement and the Northern Ireland Protocol, Houses of the Oireachtas, Dublin, 9 November 2022 

Melo Araujo, B. 'The Protocol on Ireland / Northern Ireland' submitted to House of Lords European Affairs Sub-Committee on the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland, October 2022. 

Hayward, K. 'Northern Ireland Protocol Bill - not enough and far too much?', UK in a Changing Europe, 11 October 2022

Whitten, L. C. 'Brexit and Strand Three of the 1998 Agreement', Political Quarterly, October 2022

Hayward, K. 'Northern Ireland - The Protocol and the Peril', Political Insight, September 2022

Hayward, K. 'Northern Ireland - is another election just around the corner?', UK in a Changing Europe, 2 August 2022

Whitten, L. C. 'In search of a landing zone for the Protocol on Ireland / Northern Ireland', Fortnight Magazine, 30 June 2022

Whitten, L. C. 'Northern Ireland: A pawn in the new waiting game', Centre for Constitutional Change, 17 June 2022

Hayward, K. 'The Northern Ireland Protocol Bill: "by necessity"', UK in a Changing Europe, 15 June 2022

Melo Araujo, B. 'Northern Ireland protocol explainer: Why the UK government's plan to change it violates international law', The Conversation, 14 June 2022

Phinnemore, D. 'Where next with the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland?', Encompass, May 2022

Hayward, K. 'The constraints and consequences of Protocol tactics', UK in a Changing Europe, 15 May 2022

Hayward, K. and Phinnemore D. 'What do people in Northern Ireland really think about the Protocol?', Heinrich Böll Stiftung, 10 May 2022

Phinnemore, D. and Hayward, K. 'What does the Northern Irish public think about the Protocol?' UK in a Changing Europe, 5 May 2022

Whitten, L. C. 'Northern Ireland Assembly Election - #NIA22' UK in a Changing Europe, 29 April 2022

Phinnemore, D. and Whitten, L. C. 'Retained EU Law: Where Next?' submitted to House of Commons European Scrutiny Committee, 28 April 2022

Hayward, K. Whitten, L. C. and Komarova, M. 'Post-Brexit Common Frameworks' submitted to the House of Lords Common Frameworks Scrutiny Committee, 19 January 2022

Hayward, K. and Phinnemore, D. 'Polling on the protocol: Westminster is a long way from Northern Ireland' UK in a Changing Europe, 6 December 2021

Hayward, K. Gravey, V. and Whitten, L. C. 'Post-Brexit Common Frameworks' submitted to the House of Lords Common Frameworks Scrutiny Committee, 26 October 2021

Whitten, L. 'Proposed Regulatory Reforms and the Protocol on Ireland/Northern IrelandPost-Brexit Governance NI, 22 September 2021

Whitten, L. 'Northern Ireland: a constitutional exception and why it matters', The Constitution Society, 22 September 2021

Phinnemore, D. and Hayward, K. 'Northern Ireland’s voice on the protocol needs to be heard', Irish Times, 5 September 2021

Melo Araujo, B. 'Northern Ireland protocol: here’s what a compromise between EU and UK could look like', The Conversation, 29 July 2021

Hayward, K. 'Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland and the new command paper', UK in a Changing Europe, 26 July 2021  

Hayward, K. 'Irish sea border: trust is the biggest problem for the Northern Ireland protocol', The Conversation, 12 July 2021

Phinnemore, D. 'The Northern Ireland Protocol and its implementation', Encompass, July 2021

Phinnemore, D. Hayward, K., Melo Araujo, B. and Whitten, L. 'Introductory inquiry into the operation of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland' submitted to the House of Lords European Affairs Committee Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland Sub-Committee, 18 June 2021

Phinnemore, D. 'The Northern Ireland protocol isn’t perfect – but the UK and EU can make it work', The Guardian, 14 June 2021

Melo Araujo, B. 'Why are British sausages being blocked from entry into Northern Ireland? The dispute explained', The Conversation, 11 June 2021

Phinnemore, D. and Hayward, K. 'Brexit and the Future of Northern Ireland', Institut Montaigne, 12 May 2021

Hayward, K. and Phinnemore, D. 'Northern Ireland voters and the Protocol', UK in a Changing Europe, 23 April 2021

Phinnemore, D. and Hayward, K. 'Crisis of confidence: Government has a lot to do to win back our trust', Belfast Telegraph, 21 April 2021

Hayward, K. and Phinnemore, D. 'People across Northern Ireland fear that the protocol will damage political stability', The Guardian, 21 April 2021

Hayward, K. 'Who’s responsible for the violence in Northern Ireland?', Politico, 9 April 2021

Hayward, K. et al 'The Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland', UK in a Changing Europe, 8 April 2021

Phinnemore, D. 'Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland: act jointly one day, unilaterally the next', UK in a Changing Europe, 5 March 2021

Hayward, K. 'Ireland/Northern Ireland Protocol: the EU must play the long-game', LSE Brexit Blog, 4 March 2021

Whitten, L. 'The Politics of the Northern Ireland Protocol', UK in a Changing Europe, 9 February 2021

Phinnemore, D. 'Brexit is increasing tension in Northern Ireland, but the protocol is the only way', The Guardian, 4 February 2021

Hayward, K. and Phinnemore, D. 'Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland Protocol: Article 16', AgendaNI, February 2021

Melo Araujo, B.  'Brexit trade problems: what’s gone wrong and can it be fixed?', The Conversation, 14 January 2021

Hayward, K. and Phinnemore, D. 'Why Article 16 is no magic bullet to fix the Irish Sea border', Belfast Telegraph, 14 January 2021

Hayward, K. and Phinnemore, D. 'Article 16 of the Ireland/Northern Ireland Protocol offers no ‘quick fix’, LSE Brexit Blog, 11 January 2021